Aquatic Risk Management

Dan is used to working with clients of all sizes, and developing reasonably appropriate solutions to aquatic risk management.  Starting from the principle that it is possible to do your activity in a safe way, and working to develop systems that encourage your staff & clients to engage with the water in positive way.


In the UK, the 90’s culture of health and safety meant huge restrictions on aquatic activity, particularly open water.  For years, Dan has championed the push-back against over zealous risk managers, and sought to educate people that it is possible for aquatic activities to take place safely.  Dan has lectured on this topic at the British Waterways & Environment Agency Wales conference about aquatic risk management in Wales.  In the UK, Dan pioneered the development of the RLSS UK Open Water Lifeguard award, which is leading the event water safety industry and increasing access to safe aquatic sports in open water.

Dan holds the IOSH Managing Safely qualification, and is experienced at writing operating plans and method statements for a variety of events or work with aquatic risk elements.  His clear concise style ensures that there is nobody drowning in paperwork either.

Next steps…

To have a more detailed discussion about managing your aquatic risks, contact me.